Ysemgrinus semel voluit
esse monachus.
Ysemgrimus lupus est. |
what did the wolf want to do? |
Magnis precibus optinuit
quod Capitulum consensit;
coronam, cucullam
et cetera monachalia suscepit. |
precibus: s.v. prex
Capitulum: "chapter" (in the sense of a division of a larger group, a local "chapter" of an order of monks)
how did the wolf begin the process of becoming a monk? |
Tandem posuerunt eum ad litteras;
debuit addiscere Pater noster,
et semper respondit Agnus vel Aries.
posuerunt: s.v. pono |
what did the wolf say when he was supposed to saying the "Our Father"? |
Docuerunt eum
ut respiceret ad Crucifixum,
ad sacrificium,
et ille semper direxit oculos
ad arietes. |
direxit: s.v. dirigo
arietes: s.v. aries
what did the wolf do when he was supposed to look at the crucifix? |