image of Reynard the Fox

Week 12: Reinardus et Ysengrimus.

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Reading #1b: Reinardus et Tebergus (Odo 39)

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sive Reinardus
obviavit Tebergo,
id est catto,
et dixit Reinardus:
Quot fraudes vel artificia novisti?
  what did the fox ask the cat?
Et ait cattus:
Certe nescio nisi unum.

nescio nisi unum = scio unum solum


  what did the cat reply?
Et ait Reinardus:
Quod est illud?
quod (artificium) est illud (quod novisti)
  what did the fox ask the cat?
Quando canes me insequuntur,
scio repere super arbores
et evadere.
Et quesivit cattus:
Et tu, quot scis?
quesivit = quaesivit
  what is the cat's one trick?
Et respondit Reinardus:
et ab hoc habeo saccum plenum.

ab hoc: in the sense of "apart from this, in addition to this"



  how many tricks does the fox have?
Veni mecum,
et docebo te artificia mea,
quod canes te non capient.
docebo... quod te non capient = medieval equivalent of negative purpose clause, ne
  what does the fox offer to do for the cat?
Annuit cattus;
ambo simul iverunt.
addnuit = ad-nuit
iverunt: s.v. eo, ire
  how does the cat respond?
Venatores et canes
insequebantur eos,
et ait cattus:
Audio canes; iam timeo.
  what does the cat hear? how does he feel?
Et ait Reinardus:
Noli timere;
bene te instruam
qualiter evades.

noli + infinitive: negative imperative

instruam: s.v. instruo

  what does the fox say to the cat?
canes et venatores.
Certe, dixit cattus,
amplius non vado tecum;
volo uti artificio meo.
Et saltavit super arborem.

amplius: adverb (neuter comparative)

uti: s.v. utor (this verb takes the ablative, artificio meo)

  what does the cat decide to do? why?
Canes ipsum dimiserunt
et Reinardum insecuti sunt
et tandem ceperunt,
quidam per tibias,
quidam per ventrem,
quidam per dorsum,
quidam per capud.

dimiserunt: s.v. dimitto

quidam: masculine nominative plural (quidam canes)

capud = caput

  what happens to the fox down on the ground?
Et cattus in alto sedens clamavit:
Reinarde, Reinarde,
aperi sacculum tuum;
certe omnes fraudes tue
non valent tibi.

aperi: imperative

tue = tuae

what does the cat advise the fox to do?

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Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM