image of Heloise

Week 15: Heloisa

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Reading Overview | Reading Quiz: English
| Reading Quiz: Latin
Discussion Questions | Latin Composition | Weekly Checklist

Reading #3

Printable version of this week's readings.

[...] attende, obsecro,
quae requiro,
et parva haec videris
et tibi facillima.

attende: imperative
quae: relative pronoun, neuter plural (antecedent is haec: these things, which...)
parva: neuter plural (agrees with haec)
facillima: superlative adjective

  is the thing that Heloise asking Abelard to do something that is easy for him, or hard?
dum tui praesentia fraudor,
verborum saltem votis,
quorum tibi copia est,
tuae mihi imaginis praesenta dulcedinem.
frustra in rebus liberalem expecto,
si in verbis avarum sustineo.
praesentia: ablative (praesentia tui: the presence of you)
fraudor: this deponent verb takes the ablative
quorum: relative pronoun, antecedent is verba
praesenta: imperative
dulcedinem: s.v. dulcedo (accusative object of praesenta)
frustra: adverb
liberalem...avarum: masculine accusative singular (predicate, agrees with implied te)
  how could Abelard cheer Heloise up?
nunc vero plurimum a te
me promereri credideram,
cum omnia propter te compleverim,
nunc in tuo maxime perseverans obsequio;
credideram: s.v. credo (pluperfect)
me promereri: indirect statement, introduced by credideram
promereri: infinitive (deponent verb, s.v. promereor)
cum...compleverim: cum+subjunctive
maxime: adverb
  does Heloise think her past deeds have been appropriately rewarded?
quam quidem iuvenculam
ad monastice conversationis asperitatem
non religionis devotio,
sed tua tantum pertraxit iussio;
quam: relative pronoun, antecedent is ego (subject of credideram), object of pertraxit
iuvencula: diminutive of iuvenca
monastice: adverb
devotio...iussio: nominative singular, subject of pertraxit
tantum: adverb (only)
  why did Heloise agree to become a nun?
ubi si nihil a te promerear,
quam frustra laborem diiudica.
promerear: s.v. promereor (deponent verb; object is nihil)
frustra: adverb
quam: adverb, how (quam frustra! how in vain!)
laborem: subjunctive in indirect question, introduced by quam
diiudica: imperative
  what does Heloise expect should be the outcome of her efforts?
nulla mihi super hoc merces
expectanda est a Deo,
cuius adhuc amore
nihil me constat egisse.

merces: feminine nominative singular (agrees with nulla)
expectanda est: future passive
a Deo: ablative of agent with passive verb
cuius: relative pronoun, antecedent is Deus
me egisse: indirect statement, introduced by constat
constat: impersonal verb, "it is agreed that..."

  why does Heloise not expect a reward from God?
properantem te ad Deum
secuta sum habitu,
immo praecessi;
properantem: masculine accusative participle, object of secuta sum
secuta sum: deponent verb, transitive (object is te)
praecessi: s.v. praecedo (object is te)
  who put on the monastic habit first: Heloise or Abelard?
quasi enim memor uxoris Loth
retro conversae,
prius me sacris vestibus
et professione monastica
quam te ipsum Deo mancipasti:

uxoris: s.v. uxor (genitive, with memor)
Loth: Hebrew names do not decline; Loth is in the genitive here
conversae: feminine genitive singular, agrees with uxoris
prius...quam...: comparative adverb
prius me... mancipasti quam te ... mancipasti
mancipasti = mancipavisti
monastica: ablative singular (agrees with professione)

  why did Abelard want Heloise to become a nun right away, before he even became a monk?
in quo, fateor, uno
minus te de me confidere
vehementer dolui
atque erubui.
fateor: deponent verb
in quo uno: in this one thing
minus: comparative adverb
te ... confidere: indirect statement, introduced by dolui, erubui
vehementer: adverb
dolui: s.v. doleo
erubui: s.v. erubesco
  how does Heloise feel about Abelard's lack of trust in her obedience to him?
aeque autem - Deus scit -
ad Vulcania loca
te properantem
praecedere vel sequi
pro iussu tuo
minime dubitarem.

aeque: adverb
te: accusative (object of praecedere, sequi)
sequi: infinitive of deponent verb
minime: adverb
dubitarem: subjunctive (minime dubitarem: I would hardly doubt, I would not doubt at all)

  how much loyalty does Heloise feel towards Abelard?
non enim mecum animus meus,
sed tecum erat;
sed et nunc maxime,
si tecum non est,
nusquam est:
esse vero sine te
nequaquam potest.

si tecum non est (animus meus)
nusquam: nowhere (remember: adverbs can refer equally to time or to place - nusquam usually means "never" but it can also mean "no place")
esse: to be, in the sense of "to exist"
nequaquam: emphatic form of non (nequaquam potest: it absolutely cannot)

  what is life like for Heloise without Abelard?
sed ut tecum bene sit, age, obsecro.
bene autem tecum fuerit,
si te propitium invenerit,
si gratiam referas pro gratia,
modica pro magnis,
verba pro rebus.

ut...sit: ut+subjunctive
propitium: predicate adjective, agrees with te
modica: neuter accusative plural
(si) modica (referas) pro magnis

(si) verba (referas) pro rebus

  if things are going well for Abelard, what does Heloise expect from him?
utinam, dilecte,
tua de me dilectio minus confideret,
ut sollicitior esset!
sed quo te amplius nunc securum reddidi,
negligentiorem sustineo.
dilecte: vocative
utinam... confideret: ut+subjunctive
tua...dilectio: nominative singular, subject of confideret
sollicitior: comparative adjective (feminine, agrees with tua dilectio)
amplius: comparative adverb
securum: masculine accusative, predicate adjective with te
negligentiorem: comparative adjective; predicate adjective with te
  why does Heloise wish that Abelard had less trust in her love?
memento, obsecro,
quae fecerim
et quanta debeas attende.
memento: imperative ("future imperative")
quae: relative pronoun, neuter accusative plural (antecedent is unexpressed haec, these things which...)
attende: imperative
debeas: subjunctive in indirect question, introduced by quanta
  what does Heloise ask Abelard to keep in mind?
dum tecum carnali fruerer voluptate,
utrum id amore vel libidine agerem
incertum pluribus habebatur;
fruerer: s.v. fruor (this deponent verb takes the ablative)
carnali voluptate: ablative, with fruerer
agerem: subjunctive in indirect question, introduced by utrum
id: neuter accusative, object of agerem
libidine: s.v. libido (ablative, "because of lust")
habebatur: passive of habeo in the sense of "it is held, it is known" (incertum pluribus habebatur = it was unclear to many)
  when Heloise and Abelard were lovers, how did people judge Heloise's motives?
nunc autem finis indicat
quo id inchoaverim principio.
inchoaverim = incohaverim, subjunctive in indirect question, introduced by quo
id: neuter accusative, object of inchoaverim
  what does the current state of affairs prove about Heloise's original motivations?

omnes mihi denique voluptates interdixi
ut tuae parerem voluntati;
nihil mihi reservavi,
nisi sic tuam nunc praecipue fieri.


interdixi: s.v. interdico
omnes voluptates: s.v. voluptas (accusative plural, object of interdixi)
parerem: s.v. pareo
ut...parerem: ut+subjunctive
tuae voluntati: dative, with parerem
(me) fieri tuam: s.v. fio ("to become yours")
  Heloise has denied herself every kind of pleasure, with one exception: what is that?
per ipsum itaque
cui te obtulisti
te obsecro
ut quomodo potes
tuam mihi praesentiam reddas,
consolationem videlicet mihi aliquam

cui: relative pronoun (antecedent is Deus)
obtulisti: s.v. obfero (offero)

ut...reddas: ut+subjunctive
potes: s.v. possum

  what does Heloise beg Abelard to do?
hoc saltem pacto
ut sic recreata
divino alacrior vacem obsequio.
hoc pacto: ablative absolute
ut...vacem: ut+subjunctive
vacem: s.v. vaco
alacrior: comparative adjective, feminine (predicate with ego, subject of vacem)
  what will be the positive result if he does this?
cum me
ad turpes olim voluptates
crebris me epistulis visitabas,
frequenti carmine
tuam in ore omnium Heloisam

cum...expeteres: cum+subjunctive
olim: adverb
turpes: s.v. turpis; feminine accusative plural (agrees with voluptates)
frequenti: s.v. frequens (neuter ablative, agrees with carmine)
carmine: s.v. carmen
ore: s.v. os
omnium = omnium hominum (everybody)

  when they were lovers, how did Abelard treat Heloise?
me plateae omnes,
me domus singulae resonabant.
plateae omnes: nominative plural, subject of resonabant
domus singulae: nominative plural, subject of resonabant
me: object of resonabant (resounded my name, resounded with my name)
  why was Heloise famous everywhere when they were lovers?
quanto autem rectius
me nunc in Deum,
quam tunc in libidinem
rectius: comparative adverb
me: accusative object of excitares
quam: relative pronoun, antecedent is ego (I, whom...)
me nunc (excitares) in Deum, quam tunc in libidinem excitares
libidinem: s.v. libido
  Abelard used to make Heloise excited in a sexual way: now what kind of passion should he try to instill in her?

perpende, obsecro, quae debes,
attende quae postulo;
et longam epistulam
brevi fine
vale, unice.

perpende... attende: imperative
quae: relative pronoun, neuter plural (antecedent is unexpected haec, these things which...)

brevi fine: ablative
vale: imperative (fare well!)
unice: vocative

  what is the "brief ending" with which Heloise concludes her letter to Abelard?


Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM