image of Madaba mosaic

Week 13: Egeria.

Background | Background Quiz | Starting Assumptions | Resources | Extras
Vocabulary | Etymology | Grammar | Perseus Dictionary | Perseus Tool

Reading Overview | Reading Quiz: English
| Reading Quiz: Latin
Discussion Questions | Latin Composition | Weekly Checklist

Reading #3

Nam et monstraverunt locum,
ubi fuerunt castra filiorum Israhel
his diebus,
quibus Moyses fuit in montem.

for Moses' long stay on the mountain, see Exodus 24 and Exodus 34
  what is the next place that they visited?

Monstraverunt etiam locum,
ubi factus est vitulus ille;
nam in eo loco
fixus est usque in hodie
lapis grandis.

for the golden calf, see Exodus 32
what is there now in the place where the golden calf was made?

Nos etiam,
quemadmodum ibamus,
de contra videbamus
summitatem montis,
quae inspiciebat
super ipsa valle tota,
de quo loco sanctus Moyses
vidit filios Israhel
habentes choros his diebus,
qua fecerant vitulum.

for the Israelites singing and dancing, see Exodus 32
what had Moses seen when he looked down from the mountain

Ostenderunt etiam
petram ingentem
in ipso loco,
ubi descendebat sanctus Moyses
cum Iesu,
filio Nave,
ad quem petram
iratus fregit tabulas,
quas afferebat.

for Moses and Joshua on the mountain, see Exodus 24

Iesu = Joshua
Nave: genitive singular

quem: used for masculine, neuter and feminine

fregit: s.v. frango

what was special about the huge rock there?

Item ostenderunt nobis locum,
ubi incensus est vitulus ipse
iubente sancto Moyse,
quem fecerat eis Aaron.

iubente sancto Moyse: ablative absolute
  who decided that the golden calf had to be set on fire?
Item ostenderunt torrentem illum,
de quo potavit sanctus Moyses
filios Israhel,
sicut scriptum est in Exodo.
for the miracle of the water at Horeb, see Exodus 17
  what was special about the stream that they saw?
Ostenderunt etiam nobis locum,
ubi de spiritu Moysi
acceperunt septuaginta viri.
Item ostenderunt locum,
ubi filii Israhel habuerunt
concupiscentiam escarum.
for these Biblical incidents, see Numbers 11
  what other places did they see?
Nam ostenderunt nobis etiam
et illum locum,
qui appellatus est Incendium,
quia incensa est
quaedam pars castrorum,
tunc qua orante sancto Moyse
cessavit ignis.
for the fire in the camp, see Numbers 11
  why was one place called "Fire"?
Ac sic ergo visa
loca sancta omnia,
quae desideravimus,
nec non etiam
et omnia loca,
quae filii Israhel tetigerant
eundo vel redeundo
ad montem Dei,
tetigerant: s.v. tango
  what other places did they see?
visis etiam et sanctis viris,
qui ibi commorabantur,
in nomine Dei
regressi sumus in Pharan.

visis viris: ablative absolute

Pharan: slightly to the north of Mount Sinai

where did they go after leaving Sinai?


Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM