image of Madaba mosaic

Week 13: Egeria.

Background | Background Quiz | Starting Assumptions | Resources | Extras
Vocabulary | Etymology | Grammar | Perseus Dictionary | Perseus Tool

Reading Overview | Reading Quiz: English
| Reading Quiz: Latin
Discussion Questions | Latin Composition | Weekly Checklist

Grammar Review: Imperatives and Other Commands

The grammar preparation quiz covers the information shown below; make sure you study this information carefully before you try to take the quiz. When you are ready, log in to Blackboard to take the quiz. You can take the online quiz as often as you want; the computer will record your most recent score. The quiz will be available until Wednesday midnight.

Imperatives. Make sure you refer the formation of the imperative, singular and plural. Supply the correct form of the imperative for the verbs given.

The verb will be given in the subjunctive, which can be used interchangably with the imperative.

Example: Taceatis = ________

Answer: tacete

Example: Ne recedas = _______

Answer: noli recedere

Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM