image of the burning bush

Week 2: Vulgata: Moses.

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Reading Overview | Reading Quiz: English
| Reading Quiz: Latin
Discussion Questions | Latin Composition | Weekly Checklist

Reading #1

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IN MEDIAS RES: As the story begins, the Israelites are working as slaves in Egypt. The Pharaoh is anxious about their increasing numbers.

praecepit autem Pharao
omni populo suo
"quicquid masculini sexus
natum fuerit,
in flumen proicite;
quicquid feminei,

autem: postpositive
Pharao: meaning the king of Egypt
praecepit: s.v. praecipio
praecepit...dicens: participle with verb
quicquid: s.v. quisquis
sexus: masculine genitive singular (4th declension)
natum fuerit: s.v. nascor (subject is quicquid)
in flumen: in + accusative (preposition)
quicquid feminei = quicquid feminei sexus natum fuerit (parallel construction)

what command does Pharaoh issue about new-born male children? what about the girls?
egressus est post haec
vir de domo Levi,
accepta uxore stirpis suae
quae concepit
et peperit filium,

egressus est: s.v. egredior
haec: neuter plural
domo Levi: the Levites were priests among the Israelites
accepta uxore: ablative absolute
quae: relative pronun (antecedent is uxor)
stirpis: s.v. stirps
peperit: s.v. pario

  who gave birth to a son?
et videns eum elegantem
abscondit tribus mensibus
videns...abscondit: participle with verb
tribus mensibus: ablative for duration of time
  who do you think is the subject of the verb "abscondit": is it the vir? or the uxor?
cumque iam celare non posset
sumpsit fiscellam scirpeam
et linivit eam
bitumine ac pice

cum ... non posset: cum + subjunctive
sumpsit: s.v. sumo
bitumine: s.v. bitumen
pice: s.v. pix

what happened when the child could be hidden no longer?
posuitque intus infantulum
et exposuit eum
in carecto ripae fluminis,

intus: adverb

fluminis: s.v. flumen

  where was the baby left?
stante procul sorore eius
et considerante eventum rei.
stante sorore: ablative absolute
considerante (sorore): ablative absolute
rei: genitive singular (5th declension noun)
  who stood by when the baby was left in the reeds?
ecce autem descendebat
filia Pharaonis
ut lavaretur in flumine
et puellae eius gradiebantur
per crepidinem alvei,

autem: postpositive
Pharaonis: genitive singular of Pharao
ut lavaretur: ut + subjunctive
puellae: nominative plural
gradiebantur: s.v. gradior
crepidinem: s.v. crepido

who came down to the river to bathe?
quae cum vidisset
fiscellam in papyrione
misit unam e famulis suis

cum vidisset: cum + subjunctive
quae: relative pronoun at "beginning" of sentence (filia Pharaonis)
papyrione: s.v. papyrio (a place where papyrus grows)


what did the Pharaoh's daughter do when she saw the small basket?
et adlatam aperiens
cernensque in ea
parvulum vagientem
miserta eius
"de infantibus Hebraeorum est."

aperiens/cernens/miserta...ait: participles with verb
adlatam aperiens = filia Pharaonis fiscellam aperuit (una famula fiscellam ei attulit)

cernens in ea = in ea fiscella
vagientem: s.v. vagio
miserta = miserita, s.v. misereor

how did the Pharaoh's daughter react when she saw the crying baby in the basket?
cui soror pueri
"vis" inquit
"ut vadam
et vocem tibi
hebraeam mulierem
quae nutrire possit infantulum?"

cui: relative pronoun at "beginning" of sentence (filiae Pharaonis)
vis: s.v. volo
inquit: postpositive
ut vadam et vocem: ut + subjunctive

mulierem: s.v. mulier
quae: relative pronun (antecedent is mulier)

  what did the baby's sister offer to do?
respondit "vade." respondit = filia Pharaonis respondit
  how did the Pharaoh's daughter respond to this offer?

perrexit puella
et vocavit matrem eius

perrexit: s.v. pergo
puella = soror pueri
  what did the girl do?
ad quam locuta
filia Pharaonis
"accipe" ait "puerum istum
et nutri mihi;
ego tibi dabo
mercedem tuam."

ad quam: relative pronoun at "beginning" of sentence (matrem)
locuta: s.v. loquor
ait: postpositive
nutri mihi = nutri puerum mihi

mercedem: s.v. merces

  what did the Pharaoh's daughter ask the baby's mother to do?
suscepit mulier
et nutrivit puerum
suscepit: s.v. suscipio
  what did the baby's mother do?
adultumque tradidit
filiae Pharaonis
quem illa adoptavit
in locum filii.

adultum tradidit: puerum adultum traditit (when he was grown, she handed him over...)

quem: relative pronun (antecedent is puer)

  what happened when the woman gave the grown child back to Pharaoh's daughter?

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Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM