images from ms. of De civitate Dei

Week 6: Augustinus: De civitate dei.

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Reading #3: De civitate dei, 22:17-18

Nonnulli [...]
nec in sexu femineo
resurrecturas feminas
sed in uirili

nec = et non
resurrecturas (esse) feminas: accusative + infinitive in indirect statement, introduced by credunt
in virili (sexu resurrecturos esse) omnes: parallel structure

Nonnulli credunt feminas resurrecturas (esse) non in sexu femineo, sed aiunt omnes (resurrecturos esse) in virili (sexu)

according to some people, what kind of bodies will women have after they are resurrected?
quoniam Deus
solum uirum fecit ex limo,
feminam ex uiro.
feminam (Deus fecit) ex viro: parallel structure
why do they believe that women will have the bodies of men after they are resurrected?
Sed mihi
melius sapere
utrumque sexum
resurrecturum esse 
non dubitant.

sapere: complementary infinitive with videntur
melius: neuter comparative of bonus, used as adverb
videntur: passive of video in the sense of "seem, seem to"
qui: relative pronoun (those who...)
utrumque sexum resurrecturum esse: indirect statement, introducted by dubitant

  what does Augustine think instead?
Non enim libido ibi erit,
quae confusionis est causa.
enim: postpositive
erit: future
quae: relative pronoun (antecedent is libido)
  what is going to be different after the resurrection?
Nam priusquam peccassent,
nudi erant,
et non confundebantur
uir et femina.
peccassent = peccavissent: subjunctive
how did things used to be before the "original sin"?
Corporibus ergo illis 
uitia detrahentur,
natura seruabitur.

ergo: postpositive
illis corporibus = corporibus feminarum
detrahentur, servabitur: future tense verbs (i.e. in the future, when they will be resurrected after death)

  what will happen to women's bodies after the resurrection?
Non est autem uitium 
sexus femineus,
sed natura.
autem: postpositive
does Augustine think that to have a woman's body is a vice?
[...] Vt enim 
in exordio generis humani
de latere
uiri dormientis 
costa detracta 
femina fieret,

enim: postpositive
generis: s.v. genus
latere: s.v. latus
costa detracta: ablative absolute
ut...fieret: ut + subjunctive
(see Biblical passage for the description of woman's creation in Genesis)

how was the first woman's body created?
Christum et ecclesiam 
tali facto 
iam tunc prophetari oportebat.
tali facto = i.e., by the creation of woman from man
prophetari: complementary infinitive with oportebat
tunc: then, at that time (i.e. at the creation of mankind)
what did this act of creation symbolize?
Sopor quippe ille uiri 
mors erat Christi,
quippe: postpositive
sopor ille viri: the sleep of Adam
  what does the sleeping Adam symbolize?
cuius exanimis
in cruce pendentis 
lancea perforatum est

cuius: relative pronoun (antecedent is Christus)
exanimis: genitive singular, agrees with cuius
pendentis: genitive singular, agrees with cuius
latus: neuter singular, subject of verb perforatum est
lancea: ablative

what happened to Christ while on the cross?
inde sanguis
et aqua defluxit;

inde: thence, from there (i.e. from the side of Christ)
defluxit: s.v. defluo

what came forth from the side of Christ?
quae sacramenta esse 

quae: relative pronoun (neuter plural, "these things")
esse: infinitive in indirect statement, introduced by novimus
quae = haec (sanguinem et aquam), accusative subject of infinitive esse, in indirect statement, introducted by novimus

  what is this water and this blood?
aedificatur ecclesia. 
quibus: relative pronoun (antecedent is haec sacramenta)
  what is the foundation of the church, according to Augustine?

Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM