image of from the Bayeux tapestry

Week 11: Aesopus.

Background | Background Quiz | Starting Assumptions | Resources | Extras
Vocabulary | Etymology | Grammar | Perseus Dictionary | Perseus Tool

Reading Overview | Reading Quiz: English
| Reading Quiz: Latin
Discussion Questions | Latin Composition | Weekly Checklist

Reading #2e (Odo). Hereticus et Musca

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Dicitur quod
quidam Hereticus
in Colosanis partibus
in loco exaltato predicavit
in Colosanis partibus: near Toulouse
predicavit = praedicavit ("preached")
  what was the heretical man doing?
quod verus Deus non fecit
mundum visibilem,
nec animalia, nec corpora,
Quare faceret Deus benignus
cum sit animal inmundum?
quod: medieval Latin for indirect statement
inmundum = immundum
  what did he say about the fly?
Et venit una Musca,
et in facie Hereticum stimulavit.
(musca) stimulavit hereticum in facie
  what did the fly do?
Ille Muscam cum manu fugavit.
Illa ex altera parte in facie sedit,
et ille iterum.
ille (hereticus) fugavit muscam cum manu
ille (hereticus) iterum (fugavit muscam cum manu)
  how did the man try to get rid of the fly? did he succeed?
Tociens hinc inde
in faciem Heretici insiluit,
quod, ex inproviso vexatus,
in precipitium dedit,
et confractus est.
tociens = totiens
hinc inde: "here and there"
quod: medieval Latin for ut + subjunctive (result clause)
inproviso = improviso
precipitum = praecipitium
confractus est, s.v. confrango
  what happened when the fly jumped on the man's face?
Ecce qualiter Musca probavit
quod Deus eam fecit
et iniuriam creatoris sui vindicavit.
quod: medieval Latin for indirect statement
Deus fecit eam (muscam) et vindicavit iniuriam (creatoris sui)
  why was the fly justified in having done this to the man? what did the fly prove?

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Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM