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image of from the Bayeux tapestry
image of St. Francis
image of Jesus Christ

Grammar: Present Active Indicative

The chart below shows the present active indicative endings for verbs in conjugations I, II and IV. The sample verbs used are rogo, video and scio.

SINGULAR I: "a" vowel II: "e" vowel IV: "i" vowel personal endings
1st rogo video scio - o
2nd rogas vides scis - s
3rd rogat videt scit - t
1st rogamus videmus scimus - mus
2nd rogatis videtis scitis - tis
3rd rogant vident sciunt - nt / unt

This chart shows the two types of conjugation II verbs: those with a first person singular form in -o and those with a first person singular form in -io. Verbs that have a first person singular in -io have -iunt in the third person plural.

SINGULAR III conjugation
-o verbs
III conjugation
-io verbs
personal endings
1st ago facio - o
2nd agis facis - s
3rd agit facit - t
1st agimus facimus - mus
2nd agitis facitis - tis
3rd agunt faciunt - unt

Notice that the personal endings are the same for all conjugations; the difference is in the theme vowels preceding the personal endings.

Modern Languages 4970 / MRS 4903: Medieval Latin. Spring 2003 Online Course at the University of Oklahoma. Visit for more info.
Laura Gibbs, University of Oklahoma - Information Technology © 2003. Last updated: December 29, 2002 7:12 PM