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Scott: A Sultan of Yemen and His Three Sons (cont.)

[Go back to The Story of the First Sharper in the Cave]

The sultan exclaimed, "These adventures are surprising;" when the second inhabitant of the cave said, "My lord, my story is much more wonderful than the last; for I contrived not only to be dead and buried, but to escape from the tomb." "Possibly," said the sultan, "thy adventures may have been stranger than those of this man; but if any of you are acquainted with the memoirs of ancient monarchs, I could wish you to relate them; however, at present, I must take you with me to the palace, that I may make you welcome." When the men heard this proposition, they were alarmed, and cried out, "What, my lord, would you carry us to the city from which we have escaped to save our lives?" "Fear not," replied he, "I am the sultan, and was amusing myself with hunting when I chanced to discover your cave." They bowed themselves before him, and exclaimed, "To hear is to obey;" after which they attended him to the city. On their arrival, the sultan ordered them proper apartments and suitable entertainment, and invested each of them with a rich habit. For some days they remained enjoying themselves; when, at length, one evening the sultan commanded them to his presence, and requested a narrative, when one of them related the following story.

[Go to The History of the Sultan of Hind]

Scott, Jonathan (1754-1829). The Arabian Nights Entertainments. London: Pickering and Chatto, 1890. 4 Volumes. Project Gutenberg.

1001 Nights Hypertext. Laura Gibbs, Ph.D. This website is licensed under a Creative Commons License. The texts presented here are in the public domain. Thanks to Gene Perry for his excellent help in preparing the texts for the web. Page last updated: January 1, 2005 10:46 PM

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