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Aesop's Fables: Sir Roger L'Estrange (1692)


A Dog and a Cock took a Journey together. The Dog kennell’d in the Body of a hollow Tree, and the Cock roosted at Night upon the Boughs. The Cock crow’d about Midnight (at his usual Hour) which brought a Fox that was abroad upon the Hunt, immediately to the Tree; and there he stood licking of his Lips at the Cock, and wheedling him to get him down. He protested he never heard so angelical a Voice since he was born; and what would he not do now, to hug the Creature that had given him so admirable a Serenade! Pray! Says the Cock, speak to the Porter below to open the Door, and I’ll come down to ye: The Fox did as he was directed, and the Dog presently seiz’d and worry’d him.
THE MORAL. The main Business of the World is nothing but sharping, and putting Tricks upon one another by Turns.

L'Estrange originally published his version of the fables in 1692. There is a very nice illustrated edition in the Children's Classics series by Knopf: Sir Roger L'Estrange. Aesop - Fables which is available at amazon.com.