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Aesop's Fables: Babrius

Babrius 65 = Perry 294

Ἤριζε τεπρὴ γέρανος εὐφυεῖ ταῷ
σείοντι χρυσᾶς πτέρυγας. "ἀλλ' ἐγὼ ταύταις,"
ἡ γέρανος εἶπεν, "ὧν σὺ τὴν χρόην σκώπτεις,
ἄστρων σύνεγγυς ἵπταμαί τε κὠλύμπου·
σύ δ' ὡς ἀλέκτωρ ταῖσδε ταῖς καταχρύσοις
χαμαὶ πτερύσσῃ," φησίν, "οὐδ' ἄνω φαίνῃ."
Θαυμαστὸς εἶναι σὺν τρίβωνι βουλοίμην
ἢ ζῆν ἀδόξως πλουσίᾳ σὺν ἐσθῆτι.

Ben Perry, Babrius and Phaedrus (Loeb). This edition contains the Greek texts of Babrius, with a facing English translation, and an extensive index covering the Greek and Latin fable tradition. This book is an absolute must for anyone interested in the Aesopic fable tradition. Invaluable.